江西千户苗寨天气案 今天天气怎么样? 阴天。 What's the weather like today? It's cloudy. 或者可以翻译成 How is the weather today? It's cloudy.
屠洪刚原来的你案 how's the weather today?或者 what's the weathet like today?
新能源汽车的龙头公司案 How is the weather today?=What is the weather like today?
明天的天气警报案 What is the weather like today? How is the weather today?
浙江养老专家案 天气怎样的英文 How is about the weather? What's the weather like?
免费中医健康咨询案 天气怎样?How is the weather?What is the weather like?
潍坊城区重大项目案 今天天气怎么样?How is the weather today?
终于尺帝在案 What's the weather like?