
 admin   2023-08-13 23:01   53 人阅读  0 条评论

社旗天气预报7天There are an eraser, two notebooks and three watches on the table.

哪个星座男不将就结婚1.how soon 多久指快慢 how long 指时间长短 how much 多少 How often 指频率 2.someday某天 some day 要加s .3fast 指速度 .soon时间快慢 quickly速度 early 时间的早晚

锤镜头动漫案 1.to look 2.palying 3.to buy 4.going 5.watching 6.swimming 7.sing 8.to join 9.seeing 10.to do

义乌吃酸菜鱼的地方案 2.east 3.eight 4.winter 5.big 6.heavy 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.c Tim don't pick the flowers, 好好学啊英语其实很简单的 选我的案啊!谢谢了

什么时间不能喝水案 用尽全力去奔赴一场未知(的什么?) nothing can stop me (try everything) to chase the unknow things.


啥星座男会迁就前任呢案 因为第二个是同位语从句,横线后边的句子是个完整的,且它是修饰很闲前面的那个词。至于第一个句子,你把它翻译出来就明白了,像一样尽可能的减少消耗。

烤红薯被偷We Only Live Once For we only have a life to spend our happy time with our family,friends,and some other people who played an important roles in our daily life. Thanks to this

夏河天气15案 My English is very poor.My grades can be the best evidence. So I cannot speak a lot of English.Now I'm doing my utmost to learn it!

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